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Navigating Schoolzone and Google Classroom


EPSB (Edmonton Public School Board) gives students (and parents) a username & password for accessing Schoolzone. For students, this username & password is usually associated with your School Google account that you can use to do online schoolwork in using the application Google Drive.

How To Navigate Schoolzone

Schoolzone is EPSB's bulletin board, and it controls information (including Provincial Education updates/announcements, PAT tests, Interim/Progress Reports, Attendance, Volunteer Opportunities, School Messages, District Messages, School Calendar, and the occasional resource for students). It is the parent & student's responsibility to check Schoolzone regularly for updates that may concern them (for homeschooled students, there are often resource announcements, and annual home education forms that must be signed via Schoolzone, so it is super important that you have this).

If you are registered with EPSB, and you do not have a Schoolzone account, you can apply for one here:

Once you are logged into your Schoolzone account, here is a list of things that you can do; and how to access and navigate the site.

1. Check For News: Check Your School Calendar, Class News, Division News, & Trustee News For Updates That Could Affect You (Online/In-person learning switch, booking progress reports, online career presentations, resources for students, and more).

2. Under The Resources Tab, Check For Class Resources, Student & Parent Resources (They may have something helpful).

3. Check Under The Homework Tab (There will be nothing written here if you are a parent-directed homeschooled student, but if you are in public school, or blended homeschooling your assignments & due dates will be posted here).

4. You Can Find Previous Grades & Marks Under The Student Profile Tab (PAT, Progress Reports, HLATS, Attendance, Courses, Progress & More) If you're trying to find your Alberta Student Number (ASN) for setting up an Alberta MyPass account, you are likely to find your ASN under this tab.

5. Check Under The Fees Tab To Ensure That You Don't Owe The School Any Money For Field Trips.

6. The Forms Tab Is Where You Pre-Enroll For Your Student(s) Next Year In School. You Decide Whether This Is Parent-Directed Homeschooling, Teacher-Directed Homeschooling, Or In-Person Learning.

How To Navigate Google Classroom

Google classroom is a subsidiary of a student's EPSB Google School Account. Teachers create a classroom, and send students the confirmation code to join. Once you are in, this is where your teacher(s) will post updates, assignments, resources, HEP, Parent Summary, links to book for progress reviews, and other important information (which is not always on Schoolzone, so make sure to also check Google Classroom regularly.) You will also be able to submit information to your teachers, (this is how you submit your Home Education Plan, Parent Summary, and any online links to schoolwork the student has done over the term).

Here's how to join a Google Classroom, and how to check for resources & updates and submit your progress.

2. Click the grey + button at the top right of your screen to join a class. Make sure that you are signed into your School Google Account, and not a personal account. You must have a classroom code assigned by your teacher in order to enter. This code is only valid for a limited time, and you only have to enter it once to join the class; after that, you will be able to access this class any time simply by visiting

3. You will now be redirected to your new homepage. You will see your Google Classroom(s) from now one, every time you log in. (If you have multiple classrooms, make sure you select the right one according to what grade and/or subject you're submitting schoolwork to.)

4. Once you enter your classroom, you are redirected to your "Stream." Any class comments will be posted here. Click the "View All" button to access school assignments that need to be done & turned in; and click "Classwork" to see any new assignments.


5. When you click "View All", you will see any classwork assignments that need to be done (Home Education Plans, Parent Summaries, and Online Classwork can be turned in here)

6. Click on the assignment that you want to turn in, and click the "Add or Create" button. Then, you can mark the assignment as done. Don't worry, you can un-submit the assignment if you forgot something. Alternatively, for online schoolwork, you may choose to simply email your teacher the links & PDF's to online schoolwork completed.

That's all there is to it! That is how to navigate Schoolzone and Google Classroom.

Let me know how this worked out for you in the comments section below. 😊

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